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A unique musical file with added encrypted information. Generated with a custom AI to uniquely reflect users personality.

What is a Signature?

A Signature is a personal audio-encryption file that serves as a personal token which creates a secure layer between the user and a wide range of internet activities. Each signature is a personalised music file reflecting in a audible way the personality and preferences of the user. This file is enhanced with non-audible cryptographic protocols to "sign" or store secret information. Importantly, analyzing the audio of the Signature does not compromise the hidden encryption layer (see below for more detail).

The information stored in the Signature can only be shared and accessed with the owner's permission. The user has granular control over the permissions, regulating the access-time and type of information. This allows for a wide range of possibilities, such as the Signature being used for identification purposes, or verifying the validity of information, or sharing anonymous information.

Signature creation uses proprietary AI and Signature-audio seeds to generate a personalized musical-byte for each user. Generation is customizable to many use-cases. Examples include:

  • personality analysis based on a multiple choice questionnaire
  • resonation with Signatures of pre-existing users
  • generation based on a custom audio input
  • Performer and genre selection
In this demo, every user's Signature was created using the personality analysis. A Signature is stored on the Cloud, and would be linked to an account or many accounts, say social media accounts.

Users can also create a Joint Signature. Musically, a Joint Signature can represent the relationship between two users. Joint sigatures can have information securely added, hence becoming a container for secret information shared by both users, and a shared private key.


The AI model is still in beta and has been developed as a proof of concept. The following two signatures were created through the personality questionnaire on this website. The first was given to a person describing themselves as energetic and looking for new experiences in life

The second was taken by someone who described themselves as "chill", and proiritizes their mental health in their life

Two users-signatures can be “hooked” to produce a Joint-Signature. Joint Signatures can be used cryptographically as a pair-encryption key, or personally as a compatibility test which can be assessed by listening to it. The AI can take pre-existing compatibility information (for example, from a scale of 0-5) to generate the Joint Signature.

Here is a combination of the same two signatures. The first is created with the compatibility set to 5, where the combination tries to preserve and enhance the qualities of both signatures:

The second is created with the compatibility set to 0, with no attempt to preserve the qualities of the original signatures, while making it audible that the two signatures are present, and striking a balance between the original musically and added dissonance: